Monday, November 2, 2009

New Media For The Halloween Holidays

Verizon phone company has come together with Motortola creating a new smart phone for Verizon. This smart phone, known as the Android 2.0, will come out on November 6th, 2009 and will be $199. This phone features all the smart phone qualities such as maps that are GPS enabled.

As for the Internet, both Google and Yahoo! have improved their music searches for easier and faster music finds. So far there is no partnership between Google and Yahoo! but still have some investments between them going. For other music searches, you can now share Pandora playlists with Twitter and/or Facebook with a click of a button.

Just to continue on the competition with Paypal, Amazon created a new feature known as "Payphrase", in which you enter a four-digit code that links to your credit card and Amazon account.

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